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Fruity Rainbow Skewers


10 mins




10 mins


Meal Type:




Average CPS:


  • Assorted fruits of your choice (e.g., strawberries, pineapple chunks, grapes, watermelon, cantaloupe, kiwi, blueberries)

  • Vegan yogurt or melted vegan chocolate (optional, for dipping)

  • Sprinkles or shredded coconut (optional, for garnish)

Tools Needed

  • Skewers or popsicle sticks

  • Knife

  • Cutting board


  1. Wash and prepare the fruits. Cut larger fruits into bite-sized pieces and remove any seeds or stems as needed.

  2. Invite the kids to participate! Lay out the assortment of fruits and let them have fun choosing and threading their favorite fruits onto the skewers or popsicle sticks in a colorful rainbow pattern.

  3. Continue threading the fruits until the skewers are full, leaving a bit of space at the top for easier handling.

  4. If desired, provide a small bowl of vegan yogurt or melted vegan chocolate for dipping the fruit kabobs. You can also offer bowls of sprinkles or shredded coconut for the kids to sprinkle on top of the dipped fruits.

  5. Serve the fruity rainbow skewers immediately as a delightful and healthy snack for the kids to enjoy.


Chef Notes

  1. Get creative with the fruit combinations! Encourage the kids to mix and match their favorite fruits to create unique and vibrant skewers.

  2. To make it extra fun, you can turn it into a game by challenging the kids to build the tallest fruit tower using the skewers and fruits.

  3. If using wooden skewers, make sure to soak them in water for a few minutes before threading the fruits to prevent them from splintering.

Let the kids embrace their creativity while enjoying these colorful and delicious Fruity Rainbow Skewers—a perfect vegan-friendly snack for busy parents and happy kids!

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